State and local government agencies

ITSILO’s Contracting Team Arrangement – TCA- as a subcontractor for teaming solutions.

Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs)
GSA IT Schedule 70
Agency-Specific Contracts (IDIQs)
Multiple-Agency Contracts (IDIQs)

Working together to collaborate, design, deliver proven outcomes. Together creating new technologies with proven practices from the world’s leading organizations.

Artificial Intelligence
Digital Government Transformation
General Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (“COTS”)

Availability of supply chain resources and implementation of an Effective approach with performance history.

Verification of Quality Assurance, acquisition method, the quality of commercial and non-developmental items is a central issue throughout the acquisition life cycle.

Best-Value Source Selection
Risk Mitigation Strategies throughout the program life cycle
Counterfeit Parts and Components – DMSMS – compliance – authorized distributor

Streamlined and effective management
Performance-based acquisition

Our expert services

We offer a vast array of outlets for the insightful, specialized data and information needed to make the best business and technology decisions on the global energy stage. We specialize in helping clients understand, formulate, and implement strategies around the very rapid changes in all industry segments.

Online Technology Supply Chain Management Solutions

  • Web Ordering Features—order approvals, budgets, custom catalogs, online returns, recurring orders, custom order/item messages, barcode ordering
  • Mobile Ordering Solutions—responsive website and mobile-ordering applications for iPad, iPhone, and Android devices
  • Web Inventory Management—order forecasting, suggested orders, barcode scanning, and replenishment solutions
  • Web Invoice Reconciliations—online three-way match, statements and payments, invoice and electronic shipment receipt documents
  • Web Reports—purchasing spend, order details, asset valuation, invoice summary
  • Custom Data Analytics—contract spend, GL codes
  • Product Safety Data Sheets—real-time access, batch reporting
  • Secure B2B transactions—EDI, cXML, PunchOut connectivity

Achieve Your IT objectives with ITSILO

Federal certified WOSB qualified contractor